
姓 名 : 陈晨

性 别 :

所属部门: 计算机科学与技术系


职 称 : 副教授

学 历 : 博士



电子邮件: nkchenchen@nankai.edu.cn

研究方向: 虚假信息检测,自然语言处理, 机器学习, 社会计算


Current Research Interests:

Fake News Detection, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Social Computing


2007-2011, Harbin Institute of Technology, Ph.D.

2012-2016, Nankai University, Lecturer.

2017-now , Nankai University, Associate Professor.

2017-2018, Arizona State University, Visiting Scholar.


Jing M., Chen C.*, Chunyan H., Xiaojie Y.. KAPALM: Knowledge grAPh enhAnced Language Models for Fake News Detection. Findings of EMNLP(CCF-B Conference) 2023.

Chen C.*, Bo H., Jing Y., Chunyan H., Xiaojie Y.. Incorporating Constituent Syntax into Grammatical Error Correction with Multi-Task Learning. CIKM(CCF-B Conference) 2023.

Jing Y., Chen C.*, Chunyan H., Xiaojie Y.. FSKD: Detecting Fake News with Few-Shot Knowledge Distillation. ADMA(CCF-C Conference) 2023.

Jing Y., Chen C.*, Chunyan H., Xiaojie Y.. CNGT: Co-attention Networks with Graph Transformer for Fact Verification. ADMA(CCF-C Conference) 2023.

Yaqian D., Kefei T., Chen C.*, Chunyan H., Xiaojie Y.. KAN: Knowledge-aware Attention Network for Fake News Detection. AAAI (CCF-A Conference) 2021.

Kefei T., Chen C.*,Chunyan H., Jing Y., Jundong L., Xiaojie Y.. Rumor2vec: A Rumor Detection Framework with Joint Text and Propagation Structure Representation Learning. Information Sciences(CCF-B Journal). 2021

Funded Projects:

Research on Key Technologies of Fake News Detection in Social Network. 700,000CNY. NSFC (U1936105), 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2022. PI: Chen Chen

Graduate Students:

Highly motivated and qualified undergraduates are always welcome to join our team. If you are seriously considering natural language processing and machine learning as your research directions, please send me email to explore further.

Receive 24 years admission push from master's and doctoral students, the laboratory is introduced: https://s.wcd.im/v/1rjnnZ3r/

Registration link:http://nku-dbis.mikecrm.com/GFRRNqq